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Yeshua Coins

Meme & Charity Coins in honor of King Jesus

The Unique King Jesus Christ Charity Memecoin Collection


Those tickers are unique on the KRC-20 protocol on Kaspa.
Kaspa means silver in Aramaic, and Aramaic is the mother lanquage of Jesus.
Besides the technical reasons to choose Kaspa this is like the cherry to fit for this great Yeshua Coins Colection.
The portraits show famous paintings from Akiane Kramarik. She is not involved with this crypto project. We hope we can help to spread here message of the Good News of Jesus.

This are cryptocurrency collectible tokens, memecoins for people who love and honor Jesus the Messiah, the son of God.

The goal with those Coins is:
1. Rare collectible coins for those who love and honor King Jesus
2. Bringing the good news of Jesus to crypto friends
3. Charity: 50-60% of the funds from sales goes to charity:
- help to spread the word of Jesus
- translation of the original Aramaic (not greek) NT into german, polish , english
- (Help rescue those in need from sex trafficking and child exploitation)
4. Offering an ideal precious gift for Christmas, birthdays and special occasions.
5. Ideal currency for christian fundraising campaigns.
6. Partaking from the very beginning in the very fast and technological top Blockchain which could once become an important global decentralized currency: Kaspa and the KRC-20 tokens.
7. Demonstrating a fair token manangement with the dump protection concept of Mambo for a long term valuable coin.

Disclaimer: Memeoins are high risk investments. Consider it mainly for the charity, collection and Christmas gift aspect. Since 50 - 60% of sales funds are used for charity, they will not flow into the token liquidity or floor price support. That means the price can easily fall below your purchase price. You principally make a charity donation and for this you get rare collectible honorable unique cryptocurrency coins. The token liquidity is still far better compared to the 100% "fair mint" short life hype tokens.

You can buy those coins OTC here on our website

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